Stripped back to the bare bones, with the Dakota One, what you see is what you get. Designed to be an all out Rock n' Roll animal, the bridge pickup can be spec’d as a standard Freebird, a P90Bird or a PAFBird and when coupled with the simple wraparound bridge and unbound, old growth neck, you get a resonant, articulate tone machine.
African mahogany
Korina (optional) -
One piece premium mahogany neck with 'ears' or One piece premium Korina neck with ‘ears’
Long tenon construction
24.625" vintage scale length
Single action, vintage spec truss rod
Maple truss rod fillet
Premium AAA Indian rosewood fingerboard
Polished buffalo bone nut
12" radius
43mm nut width
'59 neck profile
Depth at 1st fret: 22.5mm
Depth at 12th fret: 24.5mm
Jescar 45100 nickel fretwire
Vintage pattern celluloid dots
White side dot markers -
Ivison Freebird
Ivison PAFBird (optional)
Ivison P90Bird (optional)
Ivison P90 dog ear (optional)
Ivison '59 spec PAF (optional)
Ivison DakotaTron (optional)
CTS SSS premium taper 500k pots
.22 paper in oil capacitor
Switchcraft jack socket -
Faber aged nickel compensated wraparound bridge
Faber aged nickel anchors and studs
Faber aged tuners 15:1 ratio -
100% nitrocellulose finish, lightly aged, vintage formulated
Korina (vintage tinted)
Factory black
Other colours available on request. -
Hiscox Liteflite case
Ivison Guitars COA